вторник, 6 януари 2009 г.

Israel demands Hamas disarm

(02:27) Report

Jan 6 - Israel has demanded that Hamas be prevented from rearming as a main condition for a ceasefire.

A senior Israeli official said French President Nicolas Sarkozy in partnership with Egypt was pursuing "a serious initiative" for a ceasefire.

Key to a new truce would be ending weapons smuggling along the Gaza-Egypt border, which israel says has allowed Hamas to rearm during previous ceasefires.

As the search for a ceasefire gathered pace, dozens more Palestinians were reported killed overnight and into Tuesday.

An Israeli airstrike killed three Palestinians who were among hundreds sheltering in a U.N. school in northern Gaza.

An Israeli tank shell killed three Israeli soldiers and wounded 24 other troops. The army said another soldier was killed overnight - also as a result of friendly fire.

Helen Long reports.

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